December 1, 2013


Intercepted images from two DOCTOR WHO television specials.

On the left, The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) tells Ood Sigma in the 2009 Christmas special "The End of Time, Part 1" about accidentally marrying Queen Elizabeth.

On the right, The Tenth Doctor proposes to Queen Elizabeth during a botched attempt to lure out a Zygon in the 2012 50th anniversary special "The Day of the Doctor." He ends up marrying her with The War Doctor (John Hurt) and The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) present.

That would mean, in The Tenth Doctor's timeline, the events of The Day of the Doctor" occurred between "The Waters of Mars" (November 2009) and "The End of Time" (December 2009). Of course, The Tenth Doctor has no memory of this after going back to his timeline at the end of the 50th anniversary special.

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