June 22, 2013

Man of Steel Begins & A Well-Timed Air Conditioner

Unlike Christian Bale in Batman Begins, Cavill doesn't get all the best character-driven scenes that establish Superman's backstory in MAN OF STEEL BEGINS (2013). But, Cavill does do his best with what David Goyer and Chris Nolan--the two guys who wrote Batman Begins--are giving him.

And note that I'm calling the film "Man of Steel Begins" because after Chris Nolan successfully "rebooted" the Batman franchise with Batman Begins, the title of every franchise reboot and origin story afterwards must end with "Begins."

Between his ability as an actor, his charisma, and his heroic beard and abs, HENRY CAVILL IS SUPERMAN. We all just sort of wish he had more to do on screen, is all. And, like Superman, the rest of the film is well cast, but they also don't have that much to do in a sloppy narrative structure with flashbacks tossed all over the place. The flashbacks were framed well in Batman Begins, but not so much in Man of Steel Begins.

At least director Zack Snyder knows how to make shit look cool and that's one of the biggest things the film has going for it. Man of Steel Begins has a great cast and looks cool. Coming out of the cinema, you'll believe a man can make a Dragon Ball Z movie; those are the types of flying fisticuffs you get in Man of Steel Begins, even if the 30-40 minute third act action sequence does become a bit tiresome and your eyes go dry from watching shit blow up.

On a related note: there's a great scene during Man of Steel Begins when Clark puts on the suit for the first time to become Superman and tries to hone his powers by flying. Homeboy concentrates and launches himself into the air, the music swells, I hear a roar, and feel this strong gust of air blowing over me.

"Wow! This is amazing 4D!"

As it turns out, the AC just kicked on in the cinema right above me as Superman began to fly.

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