May 9, 2013

Burger Prom

USA Today ran a story: GIRL GETS SURPRISE AFTER BEING STOOD UP FOR PROM. If you don't want to sit through a 30-second ad, here's the gist of it: A diner employee asks a girl who was stood up for prom to dance with him in the middle of the restaurant.

Homegirl is in her dress, eyes red from crying, and the dude takes a ten to ask her to dance. Soon after they begin, one customer plays this for them to dance to: My MP3 player doesn't have built-in speakers, but my mobile does. So, I checked my phone to see if I had anything on hand should such a scenario occur before me. The closest suitable song I had was "Guile's Theme." I suppose one could always find something on YouTube or some other music service app, but doesn't "Guile's Theme" just go with everything? AFTER PROM: AFTER WEDDING:

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