March 31, 2013


My ten year old niece, Jillian, wrote a report after watching THE X-FILES: FIGHT THE FUTURE (1998). This came after a month or two of her watching various monster-of-the-week episodes of the series from different seasons.

And, it appears that even ten year olds can't get enough of that Mulder and Scully sexual tension.


I watched The X-Files Movie. In the beginning a kid fell into a hole and bugs crawled into him. The Fire department came and one went into the hole and died. Then Mulder + Scully went into a building and Mulder found a bomb. The couldn't stop it and it blew up. They tried to find out what caused the death of the two people. Scully was about to quit the X-Files, but they had to solve the case. They went to Dallas Texas and saw corn fields with two domes. They went it the domes and bees flew at them. Scully got stung by a bee. She fell asleep and then was kidnapped. Mulder talked to a guy and recived antidote. he went to Antartica and saved Scully. They had seen many captured people. The people turned into monsters and chased them. They made it out safe.

I liked many things in the movie. I liked when mutations almost got them in antartica. I also liked when S+M were about to kiss, but then Scully got stung. Another thing I lliked was when they were saved by a UFO.

There were also things I disliked. I didn't like when Scully almost quit the X-Files. I didn't like when the guy in the alley was using Mulder for info for books. Another thing I disliked was when the UFO flew by and Scully missed it.

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