February 16, 2013

Class on Valentine's Day

I'm a teaching assistant for an RTVF undergrad class. On Valentine's Day, cadet Alicia came in early to class  to place My Little Pony valentines on all the desks of her fellow cadets, plus Starbursts candy. She also placed two personalized ones for the instructor, Captain Perebinossoff, and myself.
For the few who were already seated a few minutes before class started, they heard me say that I was giving Alicia extra participation points in class for her generosity towards her peers.

Next thing I knew, another girl hands me two bags of plain M&Ms with valentine cards on them, claiming she planned on giving them to the Captain and I because it was her only class. The second girl, however, rushed out to buy a bag of M&Ms and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and handed them to me with two hand-written notes on neatly torn off lined paper.

"You just bought this for points, didn't you?" I asked the second girl. She laughed.

"Yeah! I have no shame!"

Once class started, I thoroughly embarrassed Alicia by having the class thank her for the Pony valentines and then passed out my own Batman valentines, with mini Airheads taped to the back, to the entire class.
The Captain came in a few minutes late and then proceeded to pass around bags of 99 Cent store chocolate mints. Suffice to say, there should have been an earlier class assignment to bring a brown paper bag or to make their own valentine card container.

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